George Dennis

George Dennis amp from the Czech Republic. Don’t really know too much what to say about this one. I have never seen or heard of this amp before and I didn’t get too far into it because it just had a reverb problem. It would squeal, which I eventually realized was caused the the RCA jack for the reverb pan being somewhat smashed and making poor connection. This is one of those do everything kind of amps I guess since it has four channels, reverb, various switched cuts, boosts, sweeps, contours, mid shifts, etc. I only played it for a minute or two but it seemed like you might be able to get a good Rust in Peace tone out of it, among other things. It rocks a quad of EL34s for 100W.

George Dennis The Blue

Kind of a nice build. I like how the wires coming from the tone and volume pots are looped through the PCB for extra support. I don’t even want to think about wiring all those pots though.

George Dennis The Blue 100 schematic

George Dennis The Blue schematic