Peavey Firebass 700. This amp is extremely loud and will do 700W at 2 ohms. I've had a few of these and they've had the same problems caused by the same thing -- signal cutting out or amp actually losing power because of broken solder connections, because this thing is really loud.

Peavey Firebass 700. This amp is extremely loud and will do 700W at 2 ohms. I’ve had a few of these and they’ve had the same problems caused by the same thing — signal cutting out or amp actually losing power because of broken solder connections, because this thing is really loud.

It basically just sits on top of a cab intensely vibrating until some connection somewhere breaks.  You have to wrangle out the whole board and go through it, re-soldering anything that looks suspect.  It is a pretty decent amount of work just disassembling and re-assembling it for test. And you usually don't even replace a single part.

It basically just sits on top of a cab intensely vibrating until some connection somewhere breaks, or many. You have to wrangle out the whole board and go through it, re-soldering anything that looks suspect. It is a pretty decent amount of work just disassembling and re-assembling it for test.

I forgot to take a front panel image. This is just some pirated net image. Here's all the service info you can handle -- https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B01EXvY0__YYfnRNZDZ6TkV3X0hPV2pmSzlWUlI2cE9TdkZyU0dUcld6N0ZvYWduaUllb2s&usp=sharing

I forgot to take a front panel image. This is just some pirated net image.
Here’s all the schematic and service info you can handle for the Peavey Firebass 700 — https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B01EXvY0__YYfnRNZDZ6TkV3X0hPV2pmSzlWUlI2cE9TdkZyU0dUcld6N0ZvYWduaUllb2s&usp=sharing